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SmartLight won the Best Paper Award at Sensys'17

The paper SmartLight: Light-weight 3D Indoor Localization Using a Single LED Lamp, Liu, Song and He, Tian received the Best Paper Awards of the ACM Sensys conference that took place in Delft, Netherlands from November 6th to 9th. The authors introduce SmartLight, a novel approach of VLC based 3D indoor localization using a only one ceiling LED. With a single modified LED lamp, the system is capable of localizing a large number of light sensors in a room.

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VLC Demo: Battery-free Visible Light Sensing

During the 4th VLCS workshop that took place on Monday, October 16th during the Mobicom week at Snowbird, Andreas Soleiman and Ambuj Varshney from Uppsala University (Sweden) introduced a new battery-free gesture sensing system. Their prototype relies on visible light sensing and backscatter technology to achieve accurate hand motion sensing and wireless communication using RFID without any battery. They take advantage off 2 solar cells, one for powering the small circuit and charging a 2uF capacitance, and the second, much smaller, as a light sensor.

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